// The Battle Grounds Grass Particle System Emitter Definition File //=======================================================================================// // All lines started with // will be ignored by BG // so that you can add notes to yourself or others in these files. // All settings start with the setting name. The actual setting value follows after a space. // Each setting must be on a new line. An example of a setting can be seen below testsetting 10 // Below I will give an example of a fully fleshed out grass particle system // There are some comments after some settings. // These comments are no substitute for the guide, which explains all this in much more detail //=======================================================================================// // Path to the image for this particle texture particles/grass01.tga // The starting size of the particle multiplied with 30 in the code, // so 1.0 means 30 hl units what is compareable to something like 50cm. scale 30.0 // The Maximum amount a particle can lean leaning_max 90.0 // The Minimum amount a particle can lean leaning_min 45.0 // How fast the wind is moving wave_speed 0.0 // The Number of particles spawned by the emitter when the map is loaded particles 20 // Is the maximum transparency of a particle. // 255 = totally solid // 0 = totally see through, invisible // It's a sliding scale inbetween transparency 255 // Particles further away from the user aren't rendered saving them fps lod 1 // Grass particles find the ground below them. Highly Recommended to leave on 1 drop_on_ground 1 // Particles for this system won't be sorted, meaning particles behind them may be drawn infront // With most grass particles the difference between drawn infront of and drawn behind can't be seen // This is a good optimisation technique in those cases ignore_sort 1 // When the game sees new_particle it creates a new particle type // This new particle type can have all new settings // Your func_grass can contain as many different types as you like // Each type is independant of each other, with regards to number of particles // particle texture, wind speed, etc new_particle // Example of another grass particle texture particles/grass02.tga scale 30.0 leaning_max 90.0 leaning_min 45.0 wave_speed 0.0 particles 20 transparency 255 lod 1 drop_on_ground 1