TODO ============================================================================== ----====----==== High priority list ----====----==== * Bugreport: Info: In CSS "EndGameSilent" "0" doesn't work. No mapchange and game freezes. "EndGameSilent" "1" works fine. Incl. scoreboard. * Bugreport: When loading gungame.smx instead of gungame_sdkhooks.smx, I got this error in my console: exec //*/cfg/\\gungame.mapconfig.cfg: invalid path. * Altex, I am remembering when I first set GG up - this is for CS:S specifically - the problem I was having with having GG run alongside other gametypes is that the server browser was reading as GunGame, even when GunGame wasn't running. * Bug Report: If you triple level after you die (for instance, you get two kills, throw a grenade, and die, but your grenade kills the third enemy after you've died), the triple kill music and effect will still occur. * error in logs L 10/31/2012 - 13:48:28: [SM] Native "GetEntProp" reported: Property "m_iPrimaryAmmoType" not found (entity 138/cs_ragdoll) L 10/31/2012 - 13:48:28: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "gungame.smx": L 10/31/2012 - 13:48:28: [SM] [0] Line 436, gungame/util.sp::UTIL_IsWeaponTaser() L 10/31/2012 - 13:48:28: [SM] [1] Line 428, gungame/util.sp::UTIL_FindTaser() L 10/31/2012 - 13:48:28: [SM] [2] Line 454, gungame/util.sp::UTIL_ForceDropAllWeapon() L 10/31/2012 - 13:48:28: [SM] [3] Line 654, gungame/util.sp::UTIL_GiveNextWeaponReal() L 10/31/2012 - 13:48:28: [SM] [4] Line 636, gungame/util.sp::UTIL_Timer_GiveNextWeapon() * SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iAssists", 0) does not work mukunda ( #define ASSISTS_OFFSET_FROM_FRAGS 4 #define SCORE_OFFSET_FROM_CONTROLLINGBOT -132 #define CASHSPENT_OFFSET_FROM_SCORE 20 Scores_SetPlayer( client, kills, assists, deaths, cashspent, score ) { if( !IsClientConnected(client) ) return; new assists_offset = FindDataMapOffs( client, "m_iFrags" ) + ASSISTS_OFFSET_FROM_FRAGS; SetEntProp( client, Prop_Data, "m_iFrags", kills ); SetEntData( client, assists_offset, assists ); SetEntProp( client, Prop_Data, "m_iDeaths", deaths ); new score_offset = FindSendPropInfo( "CCSPlayer", "m_bIsControllingBot" ) + SCORE_OFFSET_FROM_CONTROLLINGBOT; SetEntData( client, score_offset, score ); SetEntData( client, score_offset + CASHSPENT_OFFSET_FROM_SCORE, cashspent ); } * [csgo] fix error ---- L 08/21/2012 - 22:08:00: [SM] Native "GetEntProp" reported: Entity 151 (151) is invalid L 08/21/2012 - 22:08:00: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "gungame.smx": L 08/21/2012 - 22:08:00: [SM] [0] Line 1448, E:\Downloads\sm_gungame-\addons\sourcemod\scripting\gungame/util.sp::UTIL_RemoveAmmoNew() L 08/21/2012 - 22:08:00: [SM] [1] Line 62, E:\Downloads\sm_gungame-\addons\sourcemod\scripting\gungame/hacks.sp::HACK_RemoveAmmo() L 08/21/2012 - 22:08:00: [SM] [2] Line 769, E:\Downloads\sm_gungame-\addons\sourcemod\scripting\gungame/util.sp::UTIL_DelayAmmoRemove() [PHP]L 08/25/2012 - 07:20:02: [SM] Native "GetEntProp" reported: Entity 161 (161) is invalid L 08/25/2012 - 07:20:02: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "gungame.smx": L 08/25/2012 - 07:20:02: [SM] [0] Line 1403, gungame/util.sp::UTIL_RemoveAmmo() L 08/25/2012 - 07:20:02: [SM] [1] Line 760, gungame/util.sp::UTIL_DelayAmmoRemove()[/PHP] Тут используется задержка в 0.1 секунды. За это время оружие может пропасть у игрока? Оружие даётся при спавне или при левелапе. А может попробовать сразу у оружия обнулять патроны? ---- ----====----==== Normal priority list ----====----==== * Bugfix request Bomb is striped always at roundstart even if cvars are set right! * Feature request Could you add getting another molotov and taser with a gun kill too, just like regular grenade? * add feature I have a suggestion, you know how people is leading the game. Why not make the chat message of the person who is leading to Level 4 blah blah in hint box instead of chat to keep chat clean and spam-free for those people who talks on chat. Atm, everything I have put on hint box, only one missing part is the leading message. sames goes for "(username) is tied with the leader on level 16", "You are 5 levels behind the leader" * add functionality to execute any defined config when the leader reaches defined level. add functionality to execute any defined config when the leader leaves defined level down. add functionality to execute any defined config when there is a someone on a defined level. add functionality to execute any defined config when there there is noone on a defined level. * add console command to reload all config files, usefull after changing sm_gungame_cfgdir for changes to take effect immediately. * add console command to quick change any config variables like cvars. For example to turn turbo on we could exec "gungame_config TurboMode 1" So "gungame_config TurboMode" is for dumping variable So "gungame_config" is for dumping all config variables * add ExtraTaser, BonusWeaponTaser, BlockWeaponSwitchOnExtraTaser I think he means, he wishes for there to be an additional pistol (like is available for hegrenade level), and when you get a pistol kill on taser level, you receive an additional taser. Similarly for molotov level. I think the taser level works best as it is right now, but I can see why people would want additional features to make it more consistent with the hegrenade level. * add option - random multiple triplelevel sounds if enabled - plays random sound every time player triggers triplelevel if disabled - plays same sound every time player triggers triplelevel, but choose random sound every map start * Отличная идея Сейчас человек, который играет несколько месяцев имеет много сотен побед. Новому игроку так же придется играть несколько месяцев, чтобы хотя бы приблизиться к ТОПу. Могли бы вы когда-то дописать статистику побед? Идея такова, что место в рейтинге рассчитывалось бы исходя из процента побед: Количество выигранных игр деленное на Количество сыгранных игр умноженное на 100. Сыгранной бы считалась игра, если игрок зашел на карту и поднялся хотя бы на 5-10 уровней (такой подход сильно увеличит объем базы? я в этом не силен). * @Altex, any thought on adding unlimitedMolotovs "" to the gungame.equip.smx/.cfg? similar to the hegrenade level? It's very hard to get a kill with a molotov and with using pistol/knife kill for extra molotov it gives other players too much time to catch up to the molotov level. * Hi is it possible to add options: (game mode TP) The whole team gets the level of the target maps /* Enables objective bonus game mode TP (Team player all give bonus) */ "ObjectiveBonusTP" "1" * add feature /** *Disable Armor on spawn if a player is on nade level. * *1 - Disables armor if someone is on nade level *0 - Doesn't remove armor */ "DisableArmorOnNade" "1" * add feature /** * Disable level down on knifepro when killer is on nade level. * * 1 - Level down disabled on nade-level * 0 - Level down enabled on nade-level */ "DisableLevelDownOnNadeLevel" "1" * Add autoupdater. * there is another option for controlling number on nades on nade level. If I could change it during the gameplay, I would set it to value we need based on number of players. * Would be really great I have a small request. Is it possible for you to add option to built-in AFK manager, which would disable it during the warmup? I'm currently replacing Mani Admin Plugin with SourceMod plugins and your AFK manager is the best for GunGame. But I enable DM in warmup and I'm afraid that 3 AFK kills I set to kick players might not work well. Of course in normal gameplay it is a good value but in warmup it can kick them if they won't move for a 10-20 seconds (not sure about but it is possible). So, I request "AfkDisableInWarmup". * Hello, first of all cause I´m new here, very thx for that plugin! I´ve a small problem, maybe someone can help. We are running a server for a small group of "old" dm-shooters. Default server setting is CSSDM in FFA mode. We can switch on the fly to nonFFA/teams (depending on how many players are on...) without probs. I figured out how to switch to gungame FFA/nonFFA on the fly too, by loading from different config dirs and using the gg_enable/gg_disable command in config files. It works well with one limitation. The level down on tk does not work on the "nonFFA"-mode, the teamkiller gets a notice but will be leveled up. I can´t find a reason for that... I´ve checked the cvar cssdm_ffa_enabled - its 0 I´ve checked the cvar sm_gg_cfgdirname - it points to the right directory (where FFA is 0 and TkLooseLevel is 1) Does anybody has an idea and can help me? I got it, had to restart the config reader plugin to make things happen (btw - some cvars could make things easier for somebody like me) nevertheless - thx again for that great plugin * Make 2 plugins. Add multiple triple level sounds. Plaing randomly each triple level. It will be separate optional plugin for gg, not affecting gungame inself. It will play randomly unlimited number of songs. There will no need to configure each file, but it will be config variable to set directory with files.[/color] Check how much winner songs is supported. Make it possible to use up to 100 songs. Make as separate plugin as for triple level unlimited songs. + Feature request: Make it possible to disable or enable Turbo on the fly. gg_turbo 0... Make it possible to change triple level amount on the fly. gg_multilvl_amount 6 Make it possible to change Weapon order on the fly. IE gg_weaponorder 1 or gg_weaponorder 2... If those are possible man That would be awsome.. Also is it possible to give 2 flashes with knife level? + Feature request: Altex, could you please add disabling winner announce in left upper corner in the next release? + Feature request: Altex, do you think it's possible to add a feature to start the map vote once someone has won the game? I'd like to have the mapvote after the game has been won instead of when someone reaches "x" level. * Bug report: во еще глюк заметил !score появляется меню если игроков много или ники длинные то next exit непоявляется но нажать можно перейдет на след страничку + Feature request: Is there an option to display how many kills a person has on each level? Where when you spawn or kill someone it would say: You are on level 1 :: Glock 1/4 kills You are on level 1 :: Glock 2/4 kills etc for each level? * Bug report: gungame does not work with cssdm. Native "SetFailState" reported: Signature CSSPlayer::CSWeaponDrop Failed. Please contact the author. 2.1.1. CSSDM + Feature: maybe its possible to implement a very simple achievement system (for example "Owner of the Day with Kills" or "Killing Machine with xxx Kills") which is set to zero every day, so you dont need a big database. + Feature: I have one more question. Is it possible to have few equip files (for classic mode, reversed, random etc.) and change them by my own plugin? And what about changing GG cvar by plugin (some native for example)? * Bug report: Problem is that on nade level I get sometimes 2 flash nades. I throw one and suddenly get another from nowhere. I'm not sure how to reproduce it yet. * feature request we have a server runnign this gg mod but wanted to know if it is possible to have the players kills moved into the deaths column. at the moment i have the players level in the kills column and i assume that the deaths column is untouched? ----====----==== High severity list ----====----==== + Add winners menu: Also could you incorporate the attached code into your next release? The menu idea is from GG5's Winner Menu ( High severity because of much code to review and implement. ----====----==== Pending list ----====----==== + Feature: create some options for gungame_stats like display rank to all or to player only, show winner in chat etc. Pending because of i do not know what exactly features is needed. ----====----==== Low priority list ----====----==== + Feature: Implement !buylevel. + Feature: Need features from es gg 5: Colorize knife-level player. + Feature: Need features from es gg 5: Random sounds?